July 27, 2024
Meet Mohammad Hasan Ali, a 12 year old kid from Hyderabad who teaches Engineering students. 

Meet Mohammad Hasan Ali, a 12 year old kid from Hyderabad who teaches Engineering students. 

Mohammad Hasan Ali
Mohammad Hasan Ali,

If you thought Hyderabad is only rich in its age-old culture and is home to some of the best heritage in the world, you might probably be mistaken. Hyderabad is home to an amazing child prodigy too.

Meet Mohammad Hasan Ali, the 12-year-old from Hyderabad, Telangana

who’s giving tough competition to Professors, Scientists, and Engineers. The kid who is just in 7th grade has begun giving free skill development classes to BTech students and MTech students living in his city.

Given the title ‘Child prodigy’, Hasan has turned several heads regarding his step and has left some of them inspired yet amazed. It is a well-known fact, that the jobs in this decade not only demand a well-acquired degree but also unique skills and powerful personality development. The education system of India barely allows the students to develop basic life skills. Curiosity towards the same led Hasan to take a step towards changing the possible future of the current day Engineers.

When asked what exactly led him to come up with this idea, Hasan says ” I was watching a video on the internet about Indians doing odd jobs in foreign countries even after studying. That is when it struck me to question what is it that our engineers lack. I realized it is primarily technical and communication skills that they are not aware of. Since my area of interest is designing, I started learning and teaching the same”, while talking to news agency ANI.

Mohammad Hasan Ali manages his time between School, takes part in extracurricular activities and then takes classes from 6 PM. The hardworking student is passionate about his work and is determined towards doing something worth remembering in this technical field. His students review him as a great teacher who has the ability to make even the toughest concepts seem easier.

Sai Revathi, a student at his institute says, “I am an M.Tech graduate and have been here for a month. He (Mohammad Hasan Ali) teaches many courses. He is good at his job.”

If you thought that’s the end of this genius child’s achievements, you’re wrong. After a year of working on his technical skills, he also successfully managed to invent a robot which will help with his teaching in just 15 days. Amazing right? The robot responds to Hasan’s commands, does the assigned work and also answers his questions.

Apart from technical and communication skills, Mohammad Hasan Ali has confessed his fondness towards robotics which enabled him to come up with this idea of using AI intelligence for teaching.

“I teach engineers about designing and drafting and for electronic engineering students I teach the embedded system, internet of things (IoT) and robotics. I have done more than hundreds of projects and while working on one of them, I got the idea to make a serving robot,” Ali told the news agency ANI.

The syllabus of the modern-day schools and colleges no more limits a student’s thinking or stops him from exceeding their life skills. One such example is Hasan.

I hope that keeps you motivated for the day.

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1 comment
  • Damn you kid!
    Never knew Hyderabad has such gems 🌚
    From extraordinary food culture to such child spectacles Hyderabad is full of surprises.
    Delightful and inspiring story! Looking forward to reading more inspiring stories from this blog 🌚