January 15, 2025
Andhra Pradesh Epass Scholarship Status 2022-23 (Fresh/Renewal)

Andhra Pradesh Epass Scholarship Status 2022-23 (Fresh/Renewal)

Ap epass scholarship

Andhra Pradesh Epass Scholarship

Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced the online system for the process and disbursement of scholarship through Ap epass scholarship system for all welfare departments.

The website can access in  https://epass.apcfss.in/
With a view to integrate data base being maintained by the Civil Supplies Department and also to make the e-pass database UID complaint, all students shall furnish the following details for fresh and renew registration wherever applicable on or before last date.

  1. Valid Email ID
  2.  Ration Card Number
  3.  UID Number wherever applicable

All candidates are requested to open an email account on any of the free web-mail services such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, etc. The email will be used to give information on the status of the scholarship process to the concerned students.
In future, several problems from the e-pass will be enabled only through email and therefore it is essential that all students ensure that they provide a valid email address.

Students are advised to keep the user ID and password and not to share it to others. Students will be automatically receiving an email giving the latest status of their applications including sanctions. The email ID of the student shall be the basis for correspondence with the epass system.

  • Andhra Pradesh (AP) Epass Scholarship 2021-22 Details:
  • Name of the Department: Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh
  • Scholarship Name: Andhra Pradesh (AP) Epass Scholarship
  • EPass – Electronic Payment and Application System of Scholarships
  • Notification: Scholarship for Students
  • Website: https://epass.apcfss.in
  • Location: Andhra Pradesh (AP)
  • Academic Year: 2022-23

– Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Those students who belong to other than SC, ST, BC, EBC and DW (Disabled) categories are not eligible for AP e-pass scholarship.
  2. SC (Schedule Caste), ST (Schedule Tribe) students whose parental/guardian income is more than Two Lakh Rupees per annum is not eligible.
  3. BC (Backward Caste), EBC (Extremely Backward Caste), Disabled students whose parental/guardian income is more than One Lakh Rupees are not eligible.
  4. Students who are pursuing part time or online courses are also not eligible.
  5. Those students who admitted under sponsored and management quota seats are not eligible.
  6. Students who draw the stipend more than the amount of scholarship in aggregate annually are not eligible.
  7. Students of BC (Backward Caste), EBC (Extremely Backward Caste), Disabled students studying the courses provide by open universities or distant mode or any category B seats in MBBS and BDS.
  8. EBC (Extremely Backward Caste) students studying inter or equivalent courses are not eligible.

– Students who are eligible for AP Epass Scholarship:

  1. The students who belong to SC (Schedule Caste) and ST (Schedule Tribe) whose parental annual income is below two lakhs rupees are eligible for this scholarship.
  2. The students who belong to Backward Caste, EBC and Disabled students whose parental annual income is below one lakhs rupees are eligible for this scholarship.
  3. Students must have at least 75% of attendance to apply for this scholarship
  4. Student must study in post metric college in Andhra Pradesh (AP) which will recognized by the government.


Also check Telangana Scholarship:


–  Ap epass scholarship for Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe Eligible Courses:

Group – 1:

The courses in this group are Medicine, Engineering, MBA, CPL, MCA those students who stay and live in hostels they get rupees 1200 (Twelve Hundred) as CAH and DAH and day scholars get 550 (Five Hundred and Fifty) rupees.

Group – 2:

The courses in this group are PG, PhD, GNM, M Phil, CA those students who stay and live in hostels they get 820 (Eight Hudred and Twenty) rupees as CAH and DAH and Day scholars get 530 (Five Hundred and Thirty) rupees.

Group – 3:

The courses in this group are all the degree courses and those students who stay and live in hostels they get rupees 570 (Five Hundred and Seventy) rupees as CAH & DAH, Day scholar get 325 (Three Hundred and Twenty Five) rupees respectively.

Group – 4:

The courses in this group are ITI, Polytechnic, Vocational, MPHW and Intermediate and those students who stay and live in hostels they get 520 (Five Hundred and Twenty) rupees as CAH & DAH and Day scholar get 325 (Three Hundred and Twenty Five rupees respectively.

Courses Not Eligible:

Epass Scholarships are not awarded for some training courses such as Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses, Private Pilot license Courses.

– Renewal of Ap epass scholarship:

Renewal of scholarships for the current year will be made available on the e-pass website at https://epass.apcfss.in. Students who are continuing their studies in the same college can now apply directly online. They shall first enter the name of the college on the website in the renewal link on the website and proceed to furnish their application ID and SSC ID to the retrieve the data. All students seeking for renewal must also furnish a copy of the income certificate in the new format prescribed by the revenue department. Student may apply for epass application renewal online on or before last date.

All the Principals of the colleges will scan and upload the document. Once renewal applications are filed, they will be verified by the verification officer appointed for the purpose and Scholarship Sanctions. The scholarships comprises of renewal of tuition fee (RTF) which is payable to the college and maintenance allowance (MTF) payable to the students. All amounts will be on the website. Colleges and students must notify the correctness of the bank account branch and IFSC code. No scholarship amount can be transferred into an invalid bank account. The details of the invalid bank account can be viewed on the e-pass website college wise.

A bank account that stands in the name of the student and authenticated in the prescribed manner only will be considered as the valid account. Validation of accounts shall be done by the field officers. The invalid student accounts can be categorized into:

  • Name Errors
  • Total mismatch of candidate name and account number
  • Wrong account numbers

– How to Check Ap epass scholarship Status Online 2021-22?

  • Go to the Official Website https://epass.apcfss.in
  • Click on prematric scholarship under schooling please
  • Enter your application ID and Date of Birth
  • you can check your AP Prematric Epass Status online
  • you can check Andhra Pradesh (AP) Post Matric epass Status also

– How to Apply Post Matric Scholarship 2021-22:

  • Go to the Official Website https://epass.apcfss.in
  • Click on the SC, ST, BC, EBC, DW and Minority button below the page
  • SSC Pass Type (Regular, Supplementary/ Private, CBSE, ICSE, Etc)
  • Enter SSC Hall Ticket Number
  • Enter Your Date of Birth
  • Finally Enter Your SSC Pass Year

– How to Apply PreMatric Scholarship 2021-22:

  • Go to the official website https://epass.apcfss.in
  • Click on the SC, ST, BC, BC, and Disabled button below the page
  • Enter your ration card details
  • Then enter your name, Aadhar card number, date of birth
  • After that enter your parents name and their Aadhar card numbers
  • Then fill the school particulars (school name, district, mandal)
  • Then enter your bank account details (bank name, account number, IFSC code)
  • Now enter your full address
  • Enter your income and caste certificate details
  • Then scanned and upload your passport size photo
  • First page of your bank pass book and your Aadhar card
  • Enter the Capcha code then click on the “Submit Application” button

– How to Renew PreMatric Scholarship 2021-22:

  • Go to the official website https://epass.apcfss.in
  • Click on the sc, st, bc, bc, and disabled button below the page
  • Enter student previous year school particulars
  • Select school district, mandal, school name
  • Select previous class and student name and father name
  • Then enter your date of birth and click on “proceed for registration” button

– You can also renew your application by entering date of birth particulars:

  • Student Previous Year (2020-21) School Particulars
  • Enter Your Application Number or
  • Your Aadhar Card Number
  • Click on “Proceed for Registration” Button

Contact Address:

Ap epass scholarship Project Monitoring Unit, The Director of Social Welfare, Service Road Opposite to Manipal Hospital, TG Plaza Tadepalli, Vijayawada – 520001


Click Here for More Details

Click Here to Check Your Application Status Online

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